Resource Centre
October 2023 LabCoP Extended ECHO Session #1 – Viral Suppression and HIV Transmission: The Evidence and a Policy Brief
October 17, 2023

Description: On 12 October 2023, ASLM’s LabCoP convened an Extended ECHO session focusing on the World Health Organization’s recently released guidance on the role of HIV viral suppression, and the Lancet systematic review that credits undetectable levels of the virus for both improving individual health and halting onward HIV transmission. The session presentation was made by Lara Vojnov, Diagnostics Advisor in the Global HIV, Hepatitis and STI Program at the World Health Organization. Michael Ighopdaro, Interim Co-Executive Director of Prevention Access Campaign, and Linda-Gail Bekker, Director of the Desmund Tutu HIV Centre, University of Cape Town then discussed key highlights of the policy brief, the evidence that formed the basis for this and the implication to diagnostics, care, and treatment of people living with HIV. Please follow the links here to view the recorded ECHO session and download the presentation slides.