Resource Centre
Early October 2021 LabCoP Extended ECHO Session: Screening for LTBI in Resource-Limited Settings and Solutions to Meet EndTB Goals
October 18, 2021

On 14 October 2021 this Extended ECHO session was convened to discuss the basics of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI), the critical importance of screening for LTBI in addition to active TB case finding. Experts discussed gaps in the current TB care cascade, considered various options for LTBI screening and highlighted the benefits of the test-and-treat approach, including interferon-gamma release assays (IGRA). Presentations were made by Dr Giorgio Roscigno, Chairman, Next2People, whose presentation focussed on addressing gaps in current TB care cascade through the implementation of screening for LTBI in high-risk groups; and Dr Davide Manissero, Chief Medical Officer, QIAGEN, who discussed innovative solutions for LTBI screening in decentralised settings. The session provides great information about TB and other related programs in effective use of the current and future LTBI screening considerations and innovations.