Resource Centre
May 2023 LabCoP Monthly Echo Session: Introducing the Tuberculosis Diagnostic Network Assessment (TB-DNA) Tool
June 1, 2023

The May 2023 LabCoP ECHO session jointly organised by the African Society for Laboratory Medicine and the Global Laboratory Initiative (GLI) featured the Tuberculosis Diagnostic Network Assessment (TB-DNA) tool. TB-DNA is a country-driven process that assesses the functionality of the national tuberculosis (TB) diagnostic network and system to determine its capacity to meet the country’s needs. Presentations were made by Dr Alex Durena, TB Diagnostics Technical Advisor, USAID Contractor in the Global Health Bureau, Office of Infectious Diseases, TB Division, Washington DC; Dr Anteneh Kassa Mekonnen, Development Program Specialist, USAID, Ethiopia; and Prof Moses Joloba, Director, Supra National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory, Ministry of Health, Uganda. The session provided insights from early implementation of TB-DNA in Ethiopia and Uganda. Please follow the links here to view the recorded ECHO session and download the presentation slides.