Resource Centre
May 2021 LabCoP Extended ECHO Session: The Global Fund COVID-19 Response Mechanism
May 25, 2021

On 12 May 2021, this Extended ECHO session was convened to discuss the Global Fund COVID-19 funding mechanism, an opportunity for countries to request funds to strengthen their health systems in response while mitigating the effects of COVID-19 on other essential health services including HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria. An innovative tool was discussed, that allows members of national TWGs to, at operational level, identify targeted interventions to support submission of sound funding requests. In this session, participants were taken through the overview of GF COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM) highlighting: grant phases (1 and 2), guide to the use of regular core grants savings to support COVID-19 response, support areas (COVID-19 response, COVID-19 related adaption of programs to fight HIV, TB and Malaria, and strengthening health and community systems), eligibility, changes going into the second phase, including allocation letters specifying base and above base allocations, fast-track and full funding requests, their submission requirements and scope, and a list of eligible interventions submission windows and supply operations. The session also covered GF considerations for lab system strengthening, hinged on understanding country needs through assessment using standard tools, including the Labnet, GHASA, joint external evaluation and WHO-AFRO survey subsequently guiding responsive support. Please follow the links to view the recorded session and download the presentation slides.