Resource Centre
Latest Data and WHO HIV Policy Adoption and Implementation Status in Countries
September 4, 2019

This fact sheet gives the situation as of July 2019 of the status of HIV self-testing (HIVST) in national policies, implementation of Treat All ART recommendations among adults and adolescents living with HIV, implementation of Treat All policy for pregnant and breastfeeding women living with HIV, national policy on routine viral load testing for monitoring ART, and level of implementation for adults and adolescents in low- and middle-income countries (LMCI). The number of countries with supportive HIVST policies has grown by nearly thirteen-fold, increasing from 6 countries to 77 between 2015 and 2019. By July 2019, 89% of LMIC and 100% of Fast-Track countries had adopted a treat all policy for children (regardless of age). Routine HIV viral load (VL) monitoring is fully implemented in 68% of LMIC and partially implemented in 20% of LMIC. Read more about it in these resources.