Resource Centre
LabCoP M&E Sub-CoP ECHO Session June 2021
June 18, 2021

In June the ASLM LabCoP monitoring and evaluation (M&E) Sub-CoP held an ECHO session on viral load (VL) testing data quality assessment. The presentation provided an overview of the 2020 WHO-UNAIDS-PEPFAR-Global Fund module for assessing and strengthening the quality of VL testing data within HIV programmes and patient monitoring systems. Kenya shared their country’s VL data quality improvement activities and strategies. Presentations were made by Hiwot Haile-Selassie, an infectious disease epidemiologist working with the Strategic Information, Analytics and Use team within the Department of HIV, STIs and Viral Hepatitis at World Health Organization, Geneva; and Faith Ngari, a program officer with training in health records and information management and M&E, currently working for the Ministry of Health, Kenya. Please find the session slides, and recording in the links provided below.