Resource Centre
LabCoP M&E ECHO Session Nov 2021
November 13, 2021

On 4 November 2021, ASLM`s LabCoP monitoring and evaluation (M&E) sub-community of practice, in collaboration with the World Health Organization, convened a session focusing on monitoring country level viral load (VL) programs. Countries are putting in place robust systems to evaluate HIV VL programs to determine if set objectives, desired outcomes and impactful results are being achieved. This session provided an overview of available evaluation guidance, tools and practical considerations for country teams to plan and evaluate their country programs. Presenters for the session included: Dr Robert Luo a Diagnostics Consultant with World Health Organization and Dr Joris Vandelanotte, an Independent Consultant with Clear Outcomes. Please follow the links below to view the recorded session and download the presentations, if available.