Resource Centre
November 2024 LabCoP ECHO Session: Transforming efficiency and access for Viral Load and Early Infant Diagnosis (VL/EID) testing through Vendor-managed inventory (VMI)
December 13, 2024

Inventory management encompasses storing, using, processing and disposal of a facility’s inventory. Optimized inventory management ensures the maintenance of the right amount of inventory to meet demand, while keeping logistics costs low, and avoiding stockouts, overstocking, and backorders. Vendor managed inventory (VMI) is a supply chain agreement between the supplier/vendor and the customer that allows the supplier to take control (responsibility) of inventory management, including procurement and restocking and managing stock levels for the buyer/customer. In this session presented by Jason William, the Senior Technical Laboratory Lead, USAID/GH/OHA/SCH USAID Washington, Fadzai Marange, the Senior Diagnostics Advisor, GHSC-PSM Project and Theophilus Faruna, Laboratory and Logistics Director GHSC-PSM, Nigeria, we explain the Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) process and the stepwise process from pilot to complete implementation. Please follow the links here to view the recorded ECHO session and download presentation slides.