Resource Centre
February 2023 Waste Management ECHO Session: Rethinking Laboratory Waste Management in Member Countries: Where Are We Now?
February 7, 2023

The Waste Management ECHO session held on 2 February 2023 launched the second phase of LabCoP’s Waste Management Sub-Community of Practice. This new phase focusses on building from awareness creation to action, rallying all stakeholders in identifying concrete ways to improve and increase adoption and implementation of safer, practical, and sustainable methods/technologies for the disposal of medical laboratory and healthcare waste. This session was presented by Edward Krisiunas, President, Waste Not, Want Not International (WNWN) and covered the progress made in laboratory waste management by some LabCoP-participating countries, highlighting successes, best practices, challenges, and some of the promising interventions that can be scaled up. Please follow the links here to view the recorded ECHO session and download the presentation slides.