Resource Centre
February 2023 LabCoP Monthly ECHO Session: Adopting the WHO-Recommended Three-Test Algorithm for Improving the Quality of HIV Diagnosis
March 6, 2023

A second February 2023 LabCoP Monthly ECHO session is one of a two-part series dedicated to the new WHO recommended HIV test algorithm. In this first session, we focus on transitioning to a three-assay HIV testing strategy that requires three consecutive reactive tests to provide an HIV positive diagnosis and limit the risk of misdiagnosis given the now low number of individuals living with HIV who do not know their status. Specifically, the session covers the background evidence and rationale for using three tests to achieve correct diagnosis, the benefits of verification studies to optimise new algorithms and strategies for making the transition. Presentations are made by Dr Cheryl Case Johnson, Technical Officer, HIV Testing Services, World Health Organization; Céline Lastrucci, Global HIV, Hepatitis and STI Programmes, World Health Organization; Anita Sands, Technical Officer, Regulation and Prequalification Department, World Health Organization; and Dr Alaleh Abadpour, International Consultant, HTS Algorithm and Verification Toolkit and Quality Assurance, World Health Organization. Please follow the links here to view the recorded ECHO session and download the available presentation slides.