Resource Centre
DNO Sub-CoP ECHO Session November 2022: Global Fund Priorities for DNO at Country Level
December 1, 2022

This LabCoP Diagnostic Network Optimisation (DNO) Sub-CoP ECHO session focuses on promoting data-driven investments for effective laboratory network optimisation. In this session, the Global Fund, provides an overview of the GF funding cycle, priorities for involvement of Lab Directorates in preparing funding request, funding for diagnostic network optimization and how to plan the DNO lifecycle across multiple GF funding cycles. In part 2 of the session, Gabon shares their practical experiences on optimising the tuberculosis (TB) lab network to scale up COVID-19 capacity. Presentations are made by Patrick Royle, Project Manager, Lab Systems and Health Security, and Nina Roguet, TB Focal Person, Gabon TB Program, and provide valuable information to country teams and stakeholders, as we work together to mobilise and effectively utilise resources to strengthen and consolidate our systems. Please follow the links here to view the recorded ECHO session and download the presentation slides.