Resource Centre
Diagnostic Pricing Database
September 21, 2021

Low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) currently experience low testing coverage in the face of increasing demand to meet the needs of millions of people living with HIV, TB, HPV, hepatitis and other diseases. Therefore, innovative solutions are urgently needed to enable a robust, efficiently utilised testing capacity, and a healthy and secure market with competitive supply. ASLM is excited to host the diagnostic pricing database on behalf of the Integrated Diagnostic Consortium. Led by the Clinton Health Access Initiative, with funding from Unitaid, this pricing database initially focuses on automated molecular testing solutions offered to LMICs, to bring greater clarity and transparency to supplier pricing. The format of the pricing database is meant to facilitate a comparison of supplier pricing and offerings across crucial components of test procurement, including commodities, logistics, service and key product features. The pricing database, accessible below, will be updated every quarter to reflect the latest changes in the market.