Resource Centre
Dec 2020 LabCoP Extended ECHO Session: Launch of the Score-TB Package
December 23, 2020

In December LabCoP conducted the inaugural session of the new LabCoP Extended series to introduce the Score-TB package, an integrated set of assessment tools for supporting the implementation of a QMS in laboratories performing tuberculosis tests. The Score-TB package was launched by Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND), in collaboration with the Global Laboratory Initiative (GLI), the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and ASLM. The Score-TB package consists of quality improvement scorecards that can be used either independently or with SLIPTA to assess diagnostic procedures in the TB laboratory, including smear, culture, drug susceptibility testing, TB-LAMP and Xpert MTB/RIF. The package contains an e-Tool, and a user guide provides supporting longitudinal monitoring of lab performance and internal audits, and supplementary information and guidance on performing assessments in the TB laboratory. The session is particularly beneficial to QMS experts such as SLIPTA assessors, SLMTA trainers and other quality specialists working in tuberculosis laboratories in particular. Presentations are made by André Trollip, Senior Technical Officer, FIND; Linda Oskam, CEO, Advisor Laboratory Systems Strengthening, DATOS; and Tjeerd Datema, CEO, Advisor Laboratory Strengthening, DATOS.