Resource Centre
August 2024 Extended LabCoP ECHO Session – Updated WHO Hepatitis Guidelines: What Does it Mean for Africa?
August 19, 2024

On 8 August, ASLM’s LabCoP hosted an Extended ECHO session about improving hepatitis testing through adoption of the new World Health Organization guidance, and how to take advantage of the available diagnostic tools. Globally, hepatitis remains a pressing health concern, with an estimated 250 million people living with chronic hepatitis B infection. The WHO African region bears a disproportionate burden of morbidity and mortality related to chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and accounts for an estimated 70% of new HBV infections worldwide, emphasizing the critical need for timely and accurate hepatitis testing strategies and other measures. Scaling up testing and treatment to reach the 90% testing and 80% treatment coverage targets, and achieving the elimination goals, requires radical simplification of treatment criteria, diagnostic approaches, and care pathways to overcome barriers in access to hepatitis B testing and treatment. The new WHO guidelines play a critical role toward achieving this goal, as they focus on expanding and simplifying treatment criteria for adults, adolescents and pregnant women, and prioritize improving diagnostics for hepatitis B. In this session, Prof. Mark Sonderup, Senior Consultant, Division of Hepatology, University of Cape Town; and Dr Janvier Serumondo, Director, Sexually Transmitted Infections and Other Blood Borne Infections Unit, Rwanda Biomedical Centre, present information about the latest WHO guideline updates on hepatitis, tools used, and insights crucial for navigating this evolving landscape. Please follow the links here to view the recorded ECHO session and download presentation slides.