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August 2023 LabCoP ECHO Session: World Health Organizations Standards for universal access to Rapid Tuberculosis Diagnostics
September 6, 2023

The August LabCoP ECHO session, was jointly organized by ASLM and Global Laboratory Initiative (GLI), one of the 7 working groups of the Stop TB Partnership. This session was convened to review the World Health Organization’s Standard on Universal Access to Rapid Tuberculosis Diagnostics. The WHO End TB Strategy calls for all notified TB cases to national programs to be tested initially with a WHO-recommended rapid diagnostic test (WRD) by 2025. In this session, we discuss the WHO standard comprising 12 benchmarks in four steps of the diagnostic cascade including: Identifying presumptive TB, accessing testing, being tested, and receiving a diagnosis that countries are required to monitor and improve. Dr Nazir Ismail, Team Leader in the Unit for Prevention, Diagnosis, Treatment, Care and Innovation at the WHO’s Global Tuberculosis (TB) Program presented the goal of the benchmarks outlined in this standard, including: achieving universal access to WHO-recommended rapid diagnostics, increasing bacteriologically-confirmed TB and detection of drug resistance and reducing time to diagnosis. Please follow the links here to view the recorded ECHO session and download the presentation slides.