Resource Centre
August 2022 ECHO Session: Measuring the Progress and Value of Integrated Sample Transport Systems for Clinical and Public Health Benefit
December 23, 2022

LabCoP’s Aug ECHO session focussed on measuring the progress and value of integrated sample transport systems for clinical and public health benefits. Access to health care, including diagnostic services, is one of the dimensions of quality. With regard to diagnostics, services are staggered through the healthcare system network with simple procedures at lower facilities, and more complex methods at higher facilities, which is a more cost-effective approach. An effective sample referral system allows clients to access the full range of services, irrespective of where they seek care, without having to move from one service point to another. Many existing national sample transportation networks continue to move towards integration to derive value from services provided within their network. In this session, we highlight the progress and best practices for evaluating the quality of integrated sample transportation, to improve clinical care in Zimbabwe. During the session, we also share findings, lessons learned and proposed recommendations from the specimen transport system for severe acute respiratory illness (SARI) surveillance in Burkina Faso. Presentations are made by Agrippa Mutambara, National IST Coordinator, Ministry of Health, Zimbabwe; and Souleymane Porgho, Consultant, National Focal Point, Integrated Transport System for Biological Samples (SITEB), Burkina Faso. Please follow the links to view the recording and download slides for your further reference.