Resource Centre
April 2024 LabCoP Extended Echo Session:Advancing patients care in Africa through integration and multi-diseases testing
April 30, 2024

On 25 April 2024, ASLM’s LabCoP, in conjunction with Roche Diagnostics, convened a session focused on advancing patient care through integration and multi-diseases testing. Africa faces a high burden of infectious diseases, and this burden inevitably strains the health systems and compromises access to early and timely diagnostics, treatment and monitoring. Significant investments in establishing modern laboratories have been made, and test platforms placed to support specific disease programs. The placement of these platforms provides a great foundation for the introduction of other infectious diseases screening programs. In this session, we examine the potential advantages of integrated diagnostics and multi-disease testing for programs, networks and laboratories in Africa; challenges and opportunities of diagnostic integration across infectious diseases and programs; and how these can be addressed. Presentations were made by Mr Edwin Muiruri, Product Manager for Tuberculosis and Hepatitis, Roche Diagnostics; and Dr Felix Pinto, Head of Department, Diagnostic Support Services, Ministry of Health, Mozambique. Please follow the links here to view the recorded ECHO session and download the presentation slides.