Resource Centre
AMR CoP ECHO Session May 2022: Workforce Development through Fleming Fund QWArS Project
May 27, 2022

In this AMR CoP session, we discuss laboratory workforce development challenges. In many countries in Africa, the numbers and skills of professionals capable of generating quality antimicrobial susceptibility test (AST) laboratory results, interpreting antimicrobial resistance (AMR) data or designing relevant and representative AMR surveillance protocols required for solid AMR surveillance systems are scarce. In addition, competency standards for AMR surveillance are not well defined even in reference laboratories, which complicates efforts to reduce the impact of the workforce shortage. ASLM is leading a consortium of partners and expert organisations under the Fleming Fund funded Qualifying the Workforce for AMR surveillance in Africa and Asia (QWArS) and is contributing to human resource strengthening and capacity building for AMR surveillance by the provision of microbiology and epidemiology training for AMR in the human, animal, food and environmental sectors.