Ghana Hosts ASLM and Africa CDC for GIS Laboratory Mapping Data Management Workshop
This week, ASLM, in collaboration with the Africa CDC and Ghana Ministry of Health, is conducting a regional workshop in Accra, Ghana, on GIS laboratory mapping data management and validation under the LabMaP initiative. LabMaP aims to establish a system for the collection, storage and analysis of GIS-linked data on laboratory capacity, systems and networks in Africa. LabMaP provides a solution to countries that are ready to inventory geo-located information on their laboratory systems, in support of evidence-based decision making. The countries that are participating in this workshop include Cameroon, Mali, Ghana, Sierra Leone, Malawi, Zambia, Ethiopia, and Zimbabwe. The workshop focuses on sharing country experiences, current successes, mapping out key challenges, existing opportunities and understanding country’s needs.

Dr Ignatius Abowini Nchor Awinibuno, Chief Programme Officer, Director, Allied Health, at the Ministry of Health, Ghana emphasised the critical timing. He noted, ‘emerging and re-emerging disease outbreaks are now with us; it is only a matter of when. Laboratory mapping helps us to prepare.’
Mr Vincent Kampira, National TB Laboratories Coordinator, Directorate of Laboratory Services, Ministry of Health and Child Care, Harare, Zimbabwe praised the LabMaP project’s outcomes, saying, ‘the laboratory mapping journey has provided a lot of insights into our network and laboratory systems. The Zimbabwe Ministry of Health will share the insights with the Laboratory Technical Working Group to ensure their strategies are integrated within the laboratory strategic planning systems.’
The mapping workshop in Accra is defining the LabMaP strategic priorities to guide phase 2 of the program, and accelerate the achievement of ASLM’s strategic priority of strengthening laboratory networks and systems to support the delivery of clinical and public health functions.