
Upcoming Events

ASLM encourages medical lab professionals to participate in a myriad of global health conferences that provide opportunities to engage with policy makers, global health leaders, and network with their counterparts from across Africa and the world to learn about new technologies, advances in laboratory medicine, and best practices. Here you will find information about some of the most prominent global health conferences and links to register to attend.

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ASLM Publications

ASLM produces a variety of publications to keep you informed about global health news, the latest medical laboratory research, advancements in laboratory systems technology, best practices, and ASLM's activities and initiatives.

ASLM Publications

ASLM Strategic Pillars

ASLM strives to achieve its goals and objectives by coordinating and synergizing partnerships, and advocating for and facilitating cost-effective interventions for laboratory strengthening. ASLM brings together programs, expertise, institutions and laboratory professionals to catalyse new initiatives and processes toward improved laboratory capacity on the continent.

ASLM Strategic Pillars
Laboratory Networks and Systems
  • Assist countries with GIS localisation of laboratory capacity for better planning
  • Tools to measure and visualise laboratory system functionality and performance
  • Policies and guidance to support resilient laboratory systems and diagnostic access for all
Laboratory Workforce
  • Vibrant communities of practice
  • Professional memberships
  • Trainings and credentials offered through the ASLM Academy
  • A database of 4,000+ experts in laboratory medicine
Quality of Laboratory Services
  • Secretariat of the WHO-AFRO SLIPTA programme
  • Stakeholder of AFRAC
  • Practical guidance and tools to implement quality assurance at each level of the laboratory network
  • Large database of certified SLIPTA auditors
  • Online tools for assay validation and verification
Conferences, Publications and Communication