FeLPA Continues to Mobilize Laboratory Professionals Across Africa

FeLPA meeting_Dodoma_3 October 2024The Federation of Laboratory Professionals in Africa (FeLPA) has remained steadfast in its efforts to mobilize members and advance the organization of the laboratory profession across the continent. On the sidelines of the ongoing scientific conference organized by the Medical Laboratory Scientists Association of Tanzania (MeLSAT), FeLPA convened a brainstorming meeting to discuss organizational structures, focus areas, and a strategic roadmap. The meeting was led by FeLPA Chair Mr. Mutale Mubanga, who is also President of the Biomedical Society of Zambia (BMSZ). Association leaders from Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana, Namibia, Burundi, Uganda, and Zambia were in attendance.

Discussions focused on harmonizing regulations, advocacy, expanding career paths for laboratory professionals, promoting a standardized pre-service training curriculum for laboratory medicine in the African region, establishing professional certification programs, creating South-South fellowships for laboratory professionals, strengthening governance structures for laboratory associations across the continent, and engaging students.

Earlier in the week, Mr. Mubanga, along with the Chief Executive Officer of the African Society for Laboratory Medicine (ASLM), Mr. Nqobile Ndlovu, addressed the participants of the conference and met with the Deputy Prime Minister of Tanzania, Dr. Doto Mashaka Biteko, highlighting the urgent need to address antimicrobial resistance. The conference was held in Tanzania’s capital, Dodoma, from October 1st to 4th, 2024, under the theme “Combating Antimicrobial Resistance through Research, Quality, and Reliable Laboratory Results.”